Business Formations, Business Transactions & Registered Agent Services

Anyone who owns or operates a business should consider the tax and asset protection advantages of doing business within a business entity, such as a Partnership, Corporation or Limited Liability Company. There are other forms of business ownership as well, all of which have elements in common with corporations and partnerships, such as Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Limited Partnerships, Professional Corporations, Series LLCs, Restricted LLCs and Limited Partnerships, and Business Trusts.

While most people are familiar with Corporations, fewer are familiar with Limited Liability Companies (“LLCs”). The LLC is a very flexible form of business entity that incorporates elements of both corporations and partnerships. Because owners of an LLC, who are called “Members,” are generally not liable for its debts, the LLC also offers superior asset protection advantages compared to partnerships and corporations. This freedom from personal liability, or “limited liability,” is what the name implies.

Ownership interests in LLCs are usually characterized as Membership Interests, expressed either as shares or percentages of ownership. Since the LLC was first adopted by Wyoming in 1977, its popularity has spread and LLCs, even single-Member LLCs, are now allowed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Though Corporations are still popular for business owners who anticipate selling stock to attract investors, or who wish to distribute stock to employees, for most small businesses, the LLC is now the preferred form of business entity.

We assist clients in the formation, capitalization, administration, reorganization and dissolution of all types of business entities in Nevada and California, we can serve as the Registered Agent for your Nevada or California business, and we provide clients with assistance with real estate and commercial transactions. Our Registered Agent services include (1) coordinating the required annual filings with the Secretary of State and various taxing authorities; (2) preparing and memorializing Minutes of the annual meeting of the officers, directors, members, managers or partners of the business entity; and (3) providing a physical address in Nevada or California for service of process or other purposes.

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