COVID-19 Update

[Updated May 24, 2021]

Dear Clients and Community Members,

Amidst the disruption related to COVID-19, please be assured that our office is here and ready to help meet your needs.

As the State of Nevada’s guidelines and restrictions are starting to lift, it is still important to us to keep the health and safety of our staff, clients, and community our number one priority. We have been taking extra precautions, including regular cleaning, and sanitizing, maintaining distance between individuals, and non-contact greetings. We now have the option to meet with you in-person, as well as via Zoom or Skype for video conferencing or by telephone, depending on your level of comfort. We are happy to work with you to schedule your meeting in the manner you prefer so that we can get started on your estate planning goals.

Please call for an appointment as our office is currently not taking walk-ins. If you would like to meet with us in person, we will be asking any or all the following questions to help keep our staff healthy and safe:

  1. Have you returned within the last 14 days from traveling to any of the countries on the CDC’s list of Countries with Widespread Ongoing Transmission of COVID-19?
  2. Have you been in contact with anyone who has a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result?
  3. Have you had any symptoms of the flu or a fever in the past 14 days?

If you can answer yes to any of the above questions, we may ask that you stay home and focus on your own health as well as that of our community. Our office will continue to work with you in any way we can, and we will do our best to meet your needs.

Document transmission will not be a problem as we are fully equipped with Adobe PDF capabilities, a secure email server, and fax capabilities (our fax number is (775) 831-6275). If you are unable to send documents via email or fax, we have a secure drop box just outside our office door for your use. When using our drop box, please notify us via email or phone that you have dropped off documents so that we may promptly retrieve them.

We are confident that we will still be able to serve all our clients through this ever-evolving period and simply ask that you stay in contact with us and communicate any concerns that you might have during this time. This is a dynamic situation and we will adapt as needed. We appreciate your support and understanding. Please let us know if you feel you have an urgent need to meet with us or know someone else who does.

Contact Us

Fill out the contact form or call us at (775) 831-4556 to schedule your consultation.

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